These 4 stretches may look similar but ARE DIFFERENT than stretches you may have seen.  Please look carefully for the differences (and see the DOs and DON'Ts section at the bottom of the page). These have a specific purpose, which is to square the pelvis. If done more intensely, they will not perform that function.

Why these stretches work...

Printer-friendly Stretches in Adobe Acrobat format (pdf)
Printer-friendly Stretches in Microsoft Word format (doc)

Stretch 1
Lying on your back, bring one knee up and hold it, comfortably with both hands, fingers clasped, for 30 seconds. Do not pull the leg to the chest; it should be held at arms length from your body without pulling. Your opposite leg should be straight and flat. Repeat with other leg.

Stretch 1


Stretch 2
Lying on your back, bring both knees up at the same time and clasp hands around knees. Relax arms and the rest of the body. Hold for 30 seconds. Do not pull the legs to the chest. They should be held at arms length from your body without pulling.

Stretch 2

Stretch 3
Lying on your back, place your arms straight out to the sides and bend knees until feet are comfortably flat on floor (or bed) and exactly 9 inches from your buttocks (use a ruler). Gently drop both knees to one side and turn head in opposite direction. Do not force the stretch; the position should be easy and relaxed. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on other side.

Stretch 3


Stretch 4
While standing, hold something stable with one hand. Begin with feet 16 inches wide and pointed straight forward. Bring one leg straight back 12 inches behind other foot (and still 16 inches out ) and stand on the ball of the back foot.  Weight should be evenly balanced on both feet.  Now, turn the back foot so the very tip of your 2nd toe on the back foot is pointed exactly straight.  You should notice that this causes the back heel to go out slightly so you feel a bit pigeon toed. Bend both knees very slightly. You should feel a mild stretch or warmth in the front of the upper thigh of the rear leg.  Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat with other leg.

Stretch 4


See > Why the stretches work